Products > Windows > Double Hung

Double Hung

Double Hung


Double Hung Windows feature two mobile sashes that can move up or down and tilt in for easy-cleaning. The easy-cleaning feature lets you clean the exterior side of the glass which will keep your windows looking new even twenty years later.


Alpha double hung windows are traditionally designed around the aesthetic style of Early American architecture. All sashes tilt in for easy cleaning. Units are fully weather-stripped with high-tech seals to assure resistance against the elements.

This photo features a mulled double hung unit that utilizes a single frame. Alpha exclusively manufactures the single frame mulled unit so that units do not require a mullion strip to be glued between the windows. This feature maintains your home's weather-tight seal while maintaining your home's integrity and security.

Our Vinyl Double Hung Windows Feature:

  • Fully welded main frame
  • Double or Triple Glazed Glass
  • Fully welded sashes
  • Easy-Operating Tilt Latches
  • Warm Edge Technology Super Spacer
  • Durable Force Balances
  • Aluminum Reinforcement
  • Polyurethane Foam Wrap
  • Superior Weather-Stripping
  • Argon or Krypton Gas
  • Weather Tight Interlocking System
  • Double Strain Low-E Glass

Higher energy savings of up to 50% with high efficiency Alpha Windows.


Alpha windows purchased and installed by Alpha come with a lifetime limited warranty. The warranty covers windows to be free of any defects in material and workmanship, excepting broken glass or screening.

  • Vinyl Sash Frame and Vinyl Mainframe combination profiles are warranted against cracking, warping, peeling, flaking, blistering or corroding.
  • Moving Parts of the Basic Window Unit including balances, brass wheels, and locking mechanisms are warranted against defects.
  • Fiber Glass Screening and Screen Frame are warranted against manufacturing defects resulting in rotting or rusting.
  • Insulating Glass Units are warranted against development of material obstruction of vision occurring from manufacturing defects, resulting from film formation or dust collection between interior glass surfaces, caused by failure of the hermetic seal.

In the case of an ownership change, you may transfer this warranty to the new owner at your request.
